Support Students
The economic future of Ohio is directly linked to the amount of scholarship funds available to our students. Below is information on the different types of scholarships and programs supported by The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges. The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges manages The Ohio Scholars Program and assists donors by identifying and selecting students who match their strategic focus or meet their guidelines for giving, then monitors students' progress to ensure that academic and financial aid eligibility is maintained.
Donors may request selection of their scholars based on criteria such as geographic region or home town, specific high school attended, academic major, ethnicity, grade point average or a combination of criteria. Each scholarship will bear the donor's name and is designed to meet the donor's guidelines. OFIC provides statewide news releases recognizing the donor and the scholarship recipient unless the donor wishes to remain anonymous. Large corporations, small businesses, hospitals, family foundations, donor advised funds, individuals and others may all take advantage of The Ohio Scholars Program to meet their giving interests and establish their own scholarships.
Hear from our student scholars
Corporate Donors
Corporations that provide scholarship support are often making a strategic investment in the company's future. Establishing relationships with students may result in opportunities for internships and post graduate employment. As corporate scholars many of these young men and women may be provided a forum to meet with corporate leaders and other employees and develop a sense of partnership with the donor corporation. Investing in scholars today educates the work force of tomorrow, which is critical to the economic growth of our state. Scholarship gifts do make a significant difference.
Foundation Donors
Community foundations, donor advised funds, corporate foundations and family foundations appreciate OFIC's professional management of the scholarship process. OFIC will also handle the task of scholar identification and selection. Because 75% of Ohio's independent college-entering freshman qualify for financial assistance, OFIC easily identifies students who are both academically deserving and financially needy. Most foundations particularly appreciate being able to award scholarships to students from their own geographic regions, as they positively impact the local economy. Many of these students return after graduation to enrich their home communities.
Endowment Donors
Those who desire to see their scholarship gifts live in perpetuity may choose to establish an endowed fund that will forever serve to assist students who meet the donor's interests. Endowed funds may be established with a minimum gift of $25,000. Our largest endowed scholarship is currently in excess of one million dollars.