Core Values of the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges
There are three values that guide everything we do at OFIC and define our organization as a whole. At our core, the OFIC Staff and Trustees believe in these values:
meaningful connections
purposeful stewardship
collaborative action
Meaningful connections are all about building relationships that matter. By connecting students on our campuses with scholarship donors, we can help them achieve their dreams of obtaining a bachelor's degree. For over 7 decades, OFIC has been doing this important fundraising work, and many of you have generously helped us along the way. Thank you!
While keeping our eyes on philanthropy, we are expanding that work by focusing on the strategic theme of "Talent for Ohio." Through our current business partnerships and new ones, we aim to benefit OFIC students who are seeking internships and jobs in Ohio and beyond. These career connections will help us create a supportive network across Ohio and they will also contribute to building a strong economy.
Purposeful stewardship is all about responsible management of the resources we have been entrusted with. We take our responsibility seriously to be wise stewards of the funds that have been generously given to us. Every gift dollar we receive is important, and we are committed to using those resources in the most effective and efficient way possible. We believe in transparency and accountability and take great care to ensure that every donation is used as it’s intended and to its fullest potential.
Collaborative action is all about working together to create positive change. We believe that by collaborating with our business partners, community and government leaders, and campus presidents, we can achieve great things. No one organization can solve the problems alone, but through working together, we can create real and lasting change. We are committed to fostering a spirit of collaboration and partnership that can bring about meaningful progress.
Our commitment to these values allows OFIC to make an even greater impact on the students, our campuses, and the state of Ohio.