How to make the most of your TalentedU certification

TalentedU offers students at our member campuses the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge for their intended career-field. The program has a variety of assets to help you stand out in interviews and the job market as a whole. Continue reading to learn how to use the TalentedU modules to your advantage.

Reference you favorite competencies

TalentedU has eight modules for students to complete. Each module has a focus on one of the skills a part of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies including career & self-development, communication, critical thinking, equity & inclusion, leadership, professionalism, teamwork and technology. Although all pillars are important, pick two or three to discuss in an interview that has helped you excel the most.

Stand out among your peers

Adding the TalentedU certification badge to your resume will show potential employers the dedication you have put into your future career.

Employers sift through many resumes and conduct plenty of interviews for a position within their company. By going the extra mile, you can exceed expectations before stepping foot in an interview. Completing an online learning module is not just about gaining knowledge but showing you are committed to growth in your field. You have already given yourself a leg up just by earning the Credly badge.

Showcasing your Credly badge

Earning your Credly badge is a great asset for your resume and LinkedIn. Be sure to add you are TalentedU certified to your resume and display your badge of certification.

Showcase your certification on your LinkedIn page as well for potential employers to see. According to LinkedIn, those who include certifications on their profile receive six times more views on their page. You can add your certificates and learning paths by navigating to the Learning History section on the platform. Add a photo of credly badge for visual representation.

To learn more about TalentedU and start the learning modules, click here.


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