Local Group Invests over $190,000 in Local Students and Future of Logan County

Scholarship fund sponsored by Logan County businesses and community members offers Logan County students scholarships through The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC).

Supporting local has never been more important than in today’s uncertain world – and that’s just what local members of a collegiate scholarship fund, The Logan County Founders Club, have done. The fund’s mission is to support Logan County students’ dreams to attend Ohio independent colleges and universities through scholarships managed by The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC).

Serving 33 independent colleges and universities throughout the state of Ohio, OFIC helps students by soliciting financial support from donors that believe strongly in higher education.

Founded in 2011 by local entrepreneurs, The Logan County Founders Club has donated over $190,000 in scholarships which has benefited 42 students from Logan County, 40 of which have graduated or are still making progress toward their degrees. As a result, the program has an impressive 95% persistence to graduation rate.

The fund’s chair, Randy Marker of Logan County-based Marker Construction, is passionate about educating more local businesses towards the opportunity to give to a student in need. “Why donate? Simply put – the impact on students is immeasurable,” stated Marker who serves on OFIC’s Board of Trustees. “A scholarship is more than just monetary, it comes loaded with the promise of hometown support, an opportunity to attend college as a first-generation student – a chance at a dream held by numerous generations.”  

Why independent colleges and universities versus public universities?

Independent colleges and universities, including the liberal arts experience, are a great fit for students from Logan County who want personalized attention from faculty, smaller classes, and participation in extracurriculars and athletic programs. As a result, graduation rates are much stronger especially for first generation and low income students. Support through OFIC makes it possible for these students to achieve their dream of a college education.

How to get involved

What does giving to the fund through OFIC entail? OFIC President, Bill Spiker, explains, “Gifts each year to The Logan County Founders Club help students afford the need that exists between loans, financial aid packages, and the cost of attendance. OFIC is grateful for all of The Logan County Founders Club donors who have generously supported our students thus far.” Full scholarships run $3,300 annually, combined funds from multiple supporters are also welcomed. To participate in the pooled fund, donors may give online at ofic.org/givenow, choose “Student Scholarship” for the gift designation, and note Logan County Founders Club in the comments.

The time to give is now. Fewer than three out of 10 Ohio students who start high school earn a college degree within 10 years and only 28% of all Ohioans 25 years of age or older hold a bachelor’s degree. Your support can begin impacting Ohio’s talent pipeline today. To learn more about joining The Logan County Founders Club, contact OFIC, info@ofic.org.

About OFIC

OFIC was founded in 1950 to conduct annual solicitations of companies and foundations to benefit private colleges and universities in Ohio. OFIC today has 33 member institutions and 80,000 students. OFIC raises both unrestricted and restricted gifts including scholarships and endowments.


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